- M. Paolieri, M. Biagi, L. Carnevali, and E. Vicario, The ORIS Tool: Quantitative Evaluation of Non-Markovian Systems, IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng., May 2019.

- S. Martina, M. Paolieri, T. Papini and E. Vicario, Performance Evaluation of Fischer’s Protocol through Steady-State Analysis of Markov Regenerative Processes, Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, IEEE 24th International Symposium, MASCOTS'16, London, Sept. 2016.

- M. Paolieri, A. Horváth and E. Vicario, Probabilistic Model Checking of Regenerative Concurrent Systems, accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Aug. 2015.

- L. Carnevali, C. Nugent, F. Patara and E. Vicario, A Continuous-Time Model-Based Approach to Activity Recognition for Ambient Assisted Living, Quantitative Evaluation of Systems: 12th International Conference, QEST'15, Madrid, Sept. 2015.

- L. Carnevali, F. Flammini, M. Paolieri and E. Vicario, Non-Markovian Performability Evaluation of ERTMS/ETCS Level 3, 12th European Performance Engineering Workshop, EPEW'15, Madrid, Sept. 2015.

- A. Avritzer, L. Carnevali, H. Ghasemieh, L. Happe, B. R. Haverkort, A. Koziolek, D. Menasche, A. Remke, S. Sedigh Sarvestani and E. Vicario, Survivability Evaluation of Gas, Water and Electricity Infrastructures, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol.310, pages 5-25, Elsevier, 2015.

- L. Carnevali, M. Paolieri, F. Tarani and E. Vicario, Quantitative evaluation of availability measures of gas distribution networks, 7th Int.Conf on Perfromance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools, ValueTools'13, ACM, Dec. 2013.

- L. Carnevali, L. Ridi and E. Vicario, A Quantitative Approach to Input Generation in Real-Time Testing of Stochastic Systems, IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng., vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 292-304, Mar. 2013.

- A. Horváth, M. Paolieri, L. Ridi and E. Vicario, Transient analysis of non-Markovian models using stochastic state classes, Perform. Eval., vol. 69, no. 7, pp. 315–335, Jul. 2012.

- A. Horváth, M. Paolieri, L. Ridi and E. Vicario, Probabilistic Model Checking of non-Markovian Models with Concurrent Generally Distributed Timers, in QEST’11, pp. 131–140, IEEE CS, 2011.

- L. Carnevali, L. Ridi and E. Vicario, A framework for simulation and symbolic state space analysis of non-Markovian models, in SAFECOMP’11, LNCS, vol. 6894, pp. 409–422, Springer, 2011.

- G. Bucci, L. Carnevali, L. Ridi and E. Vicario, Oris: a tool for modeling, verification and evaluation of real-time systems, Int. J. on Softw. Tools for Techn. Transfer, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 391–403, Sep. 2010.

- E. Vicario, L. Sassoli and L. Carnevali, Using Stochastic State Classes in Quantitative Evaluation of Dense-Time Reactive Systems, IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng., vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 703–719, Sep. 2009.

- L. Carnevali, L. Grassi and E. Vicario, State-Density Functions over DBM Domains in the Analysis of Non-Markovian Models, IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng., vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 178–194, Mar. 2009.

- G. Bucci, R. Piovosi, L. Sassoli and E. Vicario, Introducing Probability within State Class Analysis of Dense Time Dependent Systems, in QEST’05, pp. 13-22, IEEE CS, 2005.

- E. Vicario, Static Analysis and Dynamic Steering of Time-Dependent Systems, IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng., vol. 27, no. 8, pp. 728–748, Aug. 2001.

For a summary of the method of stochastic state classes, check the slides of the
talk "Evaluation of non-Markovian models through the method of stochastic state classes" by Prof. Enrico Vicario (Dagstuhl Seminar on Randomized Timed and Hybrid Models for Critical Infrastructures, 2014).