All Classes and Interfaces

Computation of absorption probabilities into BSCCs from all states.
A stop criterion that evaluates always to false.
Generic logger interface.
Generic monitor interface for the analysis engines.
Analyzer<M,E extends Event>
General state-space expansion algorithm.
Factory for all the components used by the analyzer.
Common interface of observers of the analyzer execution.
Logical AND of two stop criteria.
A generic atomic term (exponential or monomial).
A reward implementation for generic time.
Represents a binary expression.
A collection of pairs name/value, also called bindings.
Represents an expression enclosed in brackets.
Represents a constant expression.
Continuous reward time: time steps are arbitrary and sojourn times are those associated with a firing event.
Generic interface for states of a CTMC.
Computation of the stationary distribution of a CTMC.
Computation of the transient probabilities of a CTMC.
A DBM zone encoding pairwise constraints between variables.
A subzone resulting from a projection.
Formats a Lello expression according to a C-like syntax.
Simplifies a Lello expression by using some elementary algebraic properties.
A generalized form of regeneration including a marking and the deterministic enabling times of non-exponential transitions.
State builder for stochastic time Petri nets.
State builder for time Petri nets using deterministic enabling times.
Discrete reward time: time steps and sojourn times are always equal to 1.
Directed graph encoding a DTMC.
Computation of the stationary distribution of a DTMC.
Iterative computation of DTMC transient probabilities.
Common interface used by the analyzer to enumerate the events enabled in a state for a model.
The enabling function of a transition.
Detector for generalized regenerations.
State feature encoding synchronizations between enabled timers.
Common interface of analysis engines.
Enumeration policy to select the next state to expand.
The Erlang PDF.
Sampler for Erlang random variables.
Describes an exceptional event occurred while attempting to compute the numeric value of an expression.
Common interface of events supported by the analyzer.
Criterion stopping the analysis when a specific event fired.
A constant term multiplied by a set of AtomicTerm.
The Exponential PDF.
A sum of Exmonomial terms.
Sampler for exponential random variables.
An atomic term of the form exp(-lambda * x).
The base class for every node in Lello AST (Abstract Syntax Tree).
The common interface of all dynamic features.
Base implementation of a generic featurizable element.
FIFO enumeration policy.
Succession feature encoding the firing probability.
Describes an exceptional event such as the attempt to choose an illegal name for an identifier.
A Visitor interface used to format expressions; a concrete expression calls the appropriate method of the Visitor passing a reference to itself.
Computation of Poisson probabilities using Fox-Glynn algorithm.
Generic piecewise function interface.
Represents an expression consisting of a function call.
Multidimensional PDF on a DBM zone support (non-piecewise).
Computes the graph of tangible markings reachable in a GSPN.
Computes the stationary distribution for the underlying CTMC of a GSPN.
Computes transient probabilities for the underlying CTMC of a GSPN.
An inhibitor arc connecting a place to a transition.
Generic feature of an InhibitorArc.
State builder for Petri nets.
State builder for time Petri nets.
An integer interval.
A stop criterion that stops the analysis after the given number of nodes has been added.
Marshals and unmarshals data types and function calls between Lello and Java.
Describes an exceptional event occurred while trying to marshal and unmarshal data types and function calls between Lello and Java.
Lello lexical analyzer (lexer).
Lello syntax analyzer (parser).
LIFO enumeration policy.
An list-based implementation of TerminalStream.
State feature tagging states where a local stop criterion was applied.
A marking, assigning a token count to each place of a Petri net.
A predicate on token counts.
Stop criterion based on a marking condition.
A function from Marking to Double.
Function updating a Marking after the firing of a transition.
Mathematical calculations.
Sampler for general PDFs using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.
A stop criterion controlled by an external AnalysisMonitor.
An atomic term of the form x^alpha.
Detector for standard regenerations.
State builder for stochastic time Petri nets, using standard regenerations.
Node of a SuccessionGraph.
Logger discarding its input.
Analysis monitor that discards notifications and never requests to stop the analysis.
A succession processor producing no changes on the input succession.
A single numeric result.
Immutable, arbitrary-precision signed decimal numbers with positive and negative infinity.
CTMC state with reference to a node in the succession graph.
Transient analysis of STPNs with at most one general transition enabled in each state.
Logical OR of two stop criteria.
Immutable pair of elements.
Describes an exceptional event detected by the Lello parser.
Generic interface of partitioned functions.
Sampler for partitioned functions.
Multidimensional PDF on a piecewise DBM zone support.
Factory of objects to explore the state space of a Petri net using Analyzer.
A Petri net model.
Generic feature of a PetriNet.
A feature collecting state information of a Petri net.
Builder of successor states for Petri nets.
A simple strategy adding tokens to each output place.
A simple strategy remove tokens from each input place.
Place of a Petri net.
Generic feature of a Place.
Transition feature removing all tokens from a set of places.
Postcondition of a Petri net.
Generic feature of a Postcondition.
Transition feature updating the marking after token additions/removals of a firing.
Precondition of a Petri net.
Generic feature of a Precondition.
Analysis logger printing to stdout.
Transition feature encoding the priority used to resolve races between immediate transitions.
Priority enumeration policy.
A pseudo-sampler cycling through a fixed sequence of sample (from a random initial point).
Describes an exceptional event occurred during an illegal attempt to alter a read-only value.
A state feature including a regeneration.
Factory of objects to build the state space and PDFs of a stochastic time Petri net using Analyzer.
Stop criterion halting the analysis after regenerations.
Steady-state analysis of STPNs using trees of stochastic state classes between regenerations.
Transient analysis of STPNs using trees of stochastic state classes between regenerations.
A transition feature forcing other transitions to resample a time-to-fire.
General reward interface.
Evaluator collecting the values of a reward over multiple runs.
Common interface for observers of a reward evaluator.
Evaluator collecting the values of a reward over multiple runs with given total duration.
Common interface for observers of a reward.
A marking-dependent rate expression.
Common interface of discrete and continuous reward times.
Common interface of samplers.
Transition feature associating a time-to-fire sampler.
Common interface of simulation observers.
Factory of components used during the simulation.
Builder for the initial State of simulations.
Builder for the initial state for the simulation of an STPN.
Succession state evaluator for the simulation of an STPN.
A GSPN state, including a sojourn rate and a marking.
A state collecting data as features.
Builds a full state representation from a discrete summary.
Joint probability density function over DBM zones.
Generic interface for the features allowed on a State.
Stop criterion based on a state predicate.
Reward estimating the steady-state probability of a marking.
Factory of objects to build the state space and PDFs of a stochastic time Petri net using Analyzer.
A state feature encoding the support and PDF of enabled timers.
Builder of successor states for stochastic time Petri nets.
Succession feature encoding the firing probability.
Transition feature encoding the distribution and weight.
Common interface of stop criteria.
Components using during the simulation of STPNs.
Succession between two states after the firing of an event.
Common interface of succession evaluators.
Common interface of features allowed on a succession.
A graph of Succession objects.
Common interface of succession processors supported by the analyzer.
Reward tracking the occurrence of a sequence of event firings from the initial state.
A Visitor interface used to perform symbolic manipulations on expressions, such as simplifications; a concrete expression calls the appropriate method of the Visitor passing a reference to itself.
Synchronization information of a variable.
Represents a terminal symbol.
Represents the kind of a terminal symbol.
Represents a stream of terminal symbols, input to Lello parser.
A global stop criterion.
State-class graph builder for time Petri nets.
Factory of objects to explore the state space of a time Petri net using Analyzer.
State feature of time-based STPN simulations.
Builder of successor states for time Petri nets.
Transition feature with minimum/maximum required time to the firing.
Reward estimating the transient probability of a marking condition.
Reward estimating the transient probability of a marking.
Transient probabilities from many initial states.
Swing plot visualizer.
State feature including the entering time distribution and reaching probability of a state.
Transition of a Petri net.
Reward estimating the absolute time of a transition firing.
Generic feature of a Transition.
Transient analysis of STPNs using a single tree of stochastic state classes.
Priority policy halting the enumeration on dropRegenerative leaves or when the total reaching (before time limit) probability of nodes to be expanded is lower than epsilon (or both).
Represents truth values and possibly incomplete information.
Represents a unary expression.
Represents which version of the operator is being used, either prefix or suffix.
Describes an exceptional event occurred as a result of referencing an undefined symbol.
Sampler for uniform random variables.
A collector of error messages for the user.
Represent a value of one of the supported types in Lello.
Represents the value type.
Describes an exceptional event occurred as a result of attempting an operation that was illegal for a certain data type.
This class is a container of static fields which can be accessed from within the Lello interpreter with their qualified or unqualified Java name.
This class is a container of static methods which can be called from within the Lello interpreter with their qualified or unqualified Java name; it also acts as a container of shared resources on which the methods may depend, such as output streams and open files.
This class contains all the logic behind Lello unary and binary operators.
Represents an expression consisting of a variable reference.
A generic variable-name holder.